Attorney Tony Abueita, PLC
810-235-8669 702 Church Street Flint, MI 48502
About Me
My law office is located in Flint, Michigan and is convenient to highways I- 69, I-75 and I-475. The address is: Law Offices of Anthony Abueita, PLC 702 Church Street, Flint, MI 48502.
To schedule a free and confidential consultation with me at no obligation, call me at (810) 235-8669.You may also complete the online contact form below or email me at Abueitalaw@gmail.com
Please be on time and if you need to reschedule this meeting for any reason, please give me 48 hours notice. . If you are in Michigan but cannot make it to my office, do not hesitate to call. I am committed to helping my clients state wide. I will find a way to help you.
Contact Info: